On this page we offer preachings of Pastor Solomon A. Folorunsho.
In the upper part of the list you will find the videos, below them are the audio files.
The power in your words What are you living for You, in the hand of God |
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Conference for revival and world missions: My father's business
I saw Jesus
Live in God's purpose for your life
Overcome by faith
Knowledge by the word of God
Seminar 2 in Ludwigslust: 1 The glorious church
Seminar 2 in Ludwigslust: 2 How to know God's voice 1
Seminar 2 in Ludwigslust: 3 How to know God's voice 2
Seminar 2 in Ludwigslust: 4 God's ability
Seminar 2 in Ludwigslust: 5 Questions - Answers / To receive by faith
Italian Youth-Camp: Ice Age 1
Italian Youth-Camp: Ice Age 2
Italian Youth-Camp: Ice Age 3
Possess the land!
Sri Lanka
Move your mountains
Presentation ICCFMissions (3/2006)
Pictures of Visions
Interview on "Destiny"
My father's business
The power in your words
What are you living for
You, in the hand of God
Move your mountains
Chosen from God
Clay in the potters hand
Questions - answers
Switch on your faith
Not forgetting where you are going
Sacrifices that please God
What Jesus can do through you
Encouragement for leaders
Run with endurance
Your relationship with Jesus
You have to turn
Overcoming fear
Carry the flame
God's Spirit will enable you
Faith brings fullfilment
Jesus Church!
Do not worry
Speak to your mountain
Overcome by the blood of the Lamm and by your testimony
Victory by faith
As you have believed so be it to you
On the rescued children / One body in Christ
Arise and shine!
Where are you in Christ now?
The violent take it by force!
Questions - answers
Be active for God
When Jesus changes people
Praise God in your problems!
Encounter with the Master
God gave you everything - what do you give God?
Live a victorious life
Watchman on the wall
A merry heart
Be ready for God
Taste how good the Lord is
On deliverance
God is longing for your fellowship
I saw Jesus - He is the same today
Who is Jesus for you?
Jesus in you is greater!
Live in abundance
A praying Church
North-Nigeria / God is looking for a man
Only Jesus satisfies your desires
Rejection / unity
Jesus - Isa.53
Steps for revival
A pillar in the church
To every thing there is a season
Jesus, our best friend
Salvation - Transformation - Holy Spirit
Jesus brought life
God's appointed time
From faith to faith
The Body of Christ
Able by the Holy Spirit
Testimonies / Doing God's will
The ability of the Holy Spirit in you
Jesus, the source of life
Your life for the work of eternity
Time of training
Youth meeting: Revival
Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever
Be an overcomer!
I can do all things trough Christ
Share God's burden
Youth meeting: God has plan
The power of the Church
God of miracles
A disciple like Ananias
The package of salvation
About the blessing of Abraham
The woman with the great faith
Jesus, the treasure within us
Practical ways to experience God
God's solution
1. The power of Jesus in us
2. How do you use this power?
Grow to maturity
Jesus still heals today
Jesus, the greatest healer
Questions - Answers
Build your confidence in God
Look on eternity
Praying together
Spend time with God
Isaiah 53
Holiness - the message of the beginning
Blessed with all spiritual blessings
We walk by faith - not by sight!
Healing Service
Grow in fellowship with God
Is Jesus really your Lord?
Healing - Deliverance
How the anointing flows
Quench not the Spirit
Our reward
Revival 1 - The price of revival
Revival 2 - God's plan - what is your desire?
Not without the Holy Spirit!
How to be a witness for Jesus?
How to attract God's blessings? 1
How to attract God's blessings? 2
He who is able to do exceeding abundantly
Promise made - promise fulfilled
By the power of the Holy Spirit
Grow to be victorious
The carnal and the spiritual Christian
How to be more effective for the Lord
Youth service: Like Timothy
The behavior of the church of Jesus
A deeper relationship with God
How to learn to pray
The Christian race
Faith works miracles
The purpose of life
Encouragement to persevere
God never fails - only believe!
Jesus came to set us free!
Come with confidence - The blood of Jesus
Stand up in authority!
How to receive from God
Ten virgins / In the power of the Spirit
God's burden
Create space for God
A crucified life
What does church mean?
How can I overcome?
The key to be successful
Welcome in my world!
The truth sets you free!
Growth in Christ
The absolute Lordship of Jesus
The Holy Spirit in dayly life
God of wonders
God at work! What is the key?
God helps us to remove our limitations
Youth service: The real life
Youth service: Become real with God!
Jesus and his church
Diverse part 1
Diverse part 2
Healing as part of the salvation
The life of a disciple of Jesus 1
The life of a disciple of Jesus 2
Give thanks to God in every situation
Demonstration of the power of God
Seminar: Acts of the Holy Spirit 1
Seminar: Acts of the Holy Spirit 2
Seminar: Acts of the Holy Spirit 3
Seminar: Acts of the Holy Spirit 4
Seminar: Acts of the Holy Spirit 5
Seminar: Growing in the gifts 1
Seminar: Growing in the gifts 2
Seminar: Growing in the gifts 3
Seminar: Growing in the gifts 4
Seminar: Growing in the gifts 5
Convention: Abundant life 1
Convention: Abundant life 2
Convention: Abundant life 3
Convention: Abundant life 4
Convention: Abundant life 5
Convention: Abundant life 6
Convention: Abundant life 7
Seminar: Prepared for his coming 1
Seminar: Prepared for his coming 2
Seminar: Prepared for his coming 3
Seminar: Prepared for his coming 4
Seminar: Prepared for his coming 5
Seminar "Discipleship" 1
Seminar "Discipleship" 2
Seminar "Discipleship" 3
Seminar "Discipleship" 4
Seminar "Discipleship" 5
Seminar: Overcome temptations 1
Seminar: Overcome temptations 2
Seminar: Overcome temptations 3
Seminar: Overcome temptations 4
Seminar: Overcome temptations 5 >>> video on YouTube
Seminar "The anointing": What is anointing?
Seminar "The anointing": Cast out the lies of the devil
Seminar "The anointing": What is anointing for?
Seminar "The anointing": Blessings and challenges
Seminar "The anointing": Listen to God
Seminar "Die Salbung": Questions - answers
The glorious Church 1 - What is glorious?
The glorious Church 2 - Christ and the Church
The glorious Church 3 - Calling / Gifting
The glorious Church 4 - Mentoring
About prayer 1
About prayer 2
About prayer 3
About prayer 4
About prayer 5
Seminar Revival 1: What is Revival?
Seminar Revival 2: God's promise and my part
Seminar Revival 3: Why do we need revival?
Seminar Revival 4: What is the benefit of rivival?
Seminar Revival 5: The price of rivival
Seminar Revival 6: The benefit of God's will
Seminar Revival 7: Your spiritual battery
Seminar Revival 8: The gifts
Leader's Seminar Revival 1
Leader's Seminar Revival 2
Leader's Seminar Revival 3
Seminar - Know your calling 1 - What is a calling?
Seminar - Know your calling 2 - Why is there delay?
Seminar - Know your calling 3 - Prayer1
Seminar - Know your calling 4 - How to know my calling?
Seminar - Know your calling 5 - The difference
Seminar - Know your calling 6 - Prayer2
Seminar - Know your calling 7 - The role of mentors
Seminar - Know your calling 8 - Calling, gifting and asignment
Seminar - Know your calling 9 - Questions & answers
Seminar - Know your calling 10 - Important things
Sri Lanka - Youth conference 1
Sri Lanka - Youth conference 2
Sri Lanka - Youth conference 3
Sri Lanka - Youth conference 4
Sri Lanka - Leaders meeting 1
Sri Lanka - Leaders meeting 2
Sri Lanka - Leaders meeting 3
Sri Lanka - You are an overcomer
London Revival Preachings1 - Authority
London Revival Preachings2 - Encounter with Jesus
London Revival Preachings3 - Word of God
London Revival Preachings4 - Love of God
London Revival Preachings5 - My sheep hear my voice
What hinders revival?
What are you doing with your life? - I saw Jesus
Jesus comes back - are you ready?
The Lordship of Jesus - God is shaking the nations
Built on the rock
Led by the Holy Spirit
Be strong in the Lord!
Jesus in you
Our place in Christ
Home in Heaven / Temptations
About the blessing of complete obedience
How to know the will of God (1)
How to know the will of God (2)
God's ability and our will
The importance of the Word of God
Prayer works
God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things
Faith - Joy Friendship with Jesus - bear fruit
Lay aside sin - run with endurance Reaching God is easy
Renew your love - pay a price
The last days - deceiving spirits
Women, who serve Jesus
Encouragement for leaders
Seminar "The Holy Spirit" 1 - Who is the Holy Spirit?
Seminar "The Holy Spirit"2 - Where lives the Holy Spirit?
Seminar "The Holy Spirit" 3 - The right atmosphere
Seminar "The Holy Spirit" 4 - Have desire to do His will
Seminar "The Holy Spirit" 5 - Discerning of spirits
Seminar "The Holy Spirit" 6 - The fear-factor
Seminar "The Holy Spirit" 7 - Salvation - transformation
Seminar "The Holy Spirit" 8 - The practicle work of the Holy Spirit
Seminar "The Holy Spirit" 9 - The Holy Spirit and our prayer life
Seminar "The Holy Spirit" 10 - Question and answers
Seminar "The Holy Spirit" 11 - What is the Holy Spirit saying today?
Seminar: 1 Victorious life - The battle of the mind!
Seminar: 2 Victorious life - The battle of the mind!
Seminar: 3 Victorious life - The battle of the mind!
Seminar: 4 Victorious life - The battle of the mind!
Seminar: 5 Victorious life - The battle of the mind!
Seminar: 6 Victorious life - The battle of the mind!
Seminar: 7 Victorious life - The battle of the mind!
Seminar: 8 Victorious life - The battle of the mind!
Seminar: 9 Victorious life - The battle of the mind!
Seminar: 10 Victorious life - The battle of the mind!
Summer Camp Sweden 2008: 1 God saw you long, long before
Summer Camp Sweden 2008: 2 Do you know God?
Summer Camp Sweden 2008: 3 The living church
Summer Camp Sweden 2008: 4 God has something for you to do!
Summer Camp Sweden 2008: 5 Why prayers? / Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Summer Camp Sweden 2008: 6 Revival jubilation / About prayers
Summer Camp Sweden 2008: 7 The importance of the word of God
Summer Camp Sweden 2008: 8 Be courageous and strong!
Summer Camp Sweden 2008: 9 What hinders me from receiving?
Church growth 1: How does a church grow?
Church growth 2: Discipleship
Church growth 3: How does the anointing work?
Church growth 4: Questions - answers
Church growth 5: How to receive the promised?
Seminar 1 in Ludwigslust: Jesus sets you free!
Seminar 1 in Ludwigslust: God's knowledge / Authority
Seminar 1 in Ludwigslust: How to walk in the will of God
Seminar 1 in Ludwigslust: Faith lifts you up
Seminar 1 in Ludwigslust: Jesus gives life in abundance
Seminar 3 in Ludwigslust: Faith overcomes fear and doubt
Seminar 3 in Ludwigslust: How faith grows
Seminar 3 in Ludwigslust: How to overcome temptations
Seminar 3 in Ludwigslust: Meeting God!
Seminar 3 in Ludwigslust: How to deal with daily problems
Seminar 1 in Königs Wusterhausen: How to become strong?
Seminar 1 in Königs Wusterhausen: To win Christ
Seminar 1 in Königs Wusterhausen: The earnest prayer
Seminar 1 in Königs Wusterhausen: Why do have Christians troubles?
Seminar 2 in Königs Wusterhausen: God's power in holiness 1
Seminar 2 in Königs Wusterhausen: God's power in holiness 2
Seminar 2 in Königs Wusterhausen: Leadership of the Holy Spirit
Seminar 2 in Königs Wusterhausen: Questions - Answers
Healing Seminar 1: Hope
Healing Seminar 2: Completely free - Cleansing up your past 1
Healing Seminar 3: Completely free - Cleansing up your past 2
Healing Seminar 4: Completely free - Cleansing up your past 3
Healing Seminar 5: The power of your will / Lord's supper
Healing Seminar 6: Forgiveness - Healing - Power
Healing Seminar 7: Free from fear of death - Achieve your goal